Carter Country Farm and Feed
Carter Country Farm and Feed's Special Order Center!
 Ag. Products 
 Bldg Hardware 
 Cutting Tools 
 Farm Tools 
 Hand Tools 
 Paint Supplies 
 Power Tools 
 Safety Products 


Wire Connector: Alligator Clamps Wire Connector: Bullet Wire Connector: Butt Splice Wire Connector: Crimp Sleeves Wire Connector: Disconnect Wire Connector: Grommets Wire Connector: Ground Clips, Pigtail Wire Connector: Push-In Wire Connector: Ring Terminals Wire Connector: Spade Terminals Wire Connector: Tap-In Wire Connector: Terminal Kits Wire Connector: Underground, Burial, Waterproof Wire Connector: Wire Nut
Carter Country Farm and Feed
357 S. Olive Ave. * Sandpoint, ID * 83864